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【Easy Listen】Speak Chinese in 21 days
15 minutes a day, over 1,000 audio lessons created by excellent linguists
【1on1 Lesson】with top Chinese University Graduates
25 minutes 1on1 lesson, with just 3 times a week, and see concrete results in 3 months.
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Why you should learn Chinese
Why Study Chinese? →
WHAT YOU MIGHT ALREADY KNOW China is one of the world’s oldest and richest continuous cultures, over 5000 years old. China is the most populous nation in the world, with...
Why learn Mandarin Chinese? →
Mandarin is “too hard” to learn, right? Despite this widely-held belief, millions of people are studying Mandarin Chinese as a second language. But if it’s so hard, why bother to learn Mandarin?...
How to learn Chinese
What is the best way to learn Chinese →
I asked this Quora question when I arrived in China and was struggling to learn Chinese. I've recently turned the corner and can now have day-to-day life conversations with Chinese...
7 Steps to learn Chinese fast →
Many audiences often ask me: Hey Jing, how to learn Mandarin Chinese fast? Maybe in 3 or 5 days? Me: Are we talking about A.I. or something? Questions like this tells...
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